Hejiachong Village is situated deep in the Ta-pieh Mountains on the border of Henan and Hubei, in the the southwest of Luoshan County, contained within the Dongzhai National Bird Nature Reserve, and connected to the Jigong Mountain Scenic Area and Ling Mountain Scenic Area. The village covers an area of about 20 square kilometers, with 450 acres of arable land and a total of 378 households and 1,343 people in 8 village groups. The village is the famous starting point of the Long March of the Red 25th Army (known as the "Pioneer of the North"), and this made the village one of the four major starting points of the Long March. The village is also home to three national cultural relics protection units, which are He Ancestral Hall, the Great Ginkgo Tree and the former site of the Red Army Hospital, making it a core component of the National Red Memory Tourism Belt of the Long March.



Hejiachong Village International Future Rural Community is the first "double pilots" rural community in Xinyang to be built by adopting the UN Guidelines for Sustainable Cities and Communities and Xinyang City Rural Future Community standards. In accordance with the requirements of the Luoshan County government, the SUC team takes the integration of “red leading, green rising and blue linkage as the theme, and takes "implementation while planning", "fast determination, fast approval and fast construction" as the principle to integrate the construction of "humanistic Hejiachong + common wealth Hejiachong + beautiful Hejiachong + digital Hejiachong + good governance Hejiachong."  as the principle, to build the future of rural communities "first-class model".

The first is to create a future neighborhood scenario. Combined with red culture tourism, it will make use of public space to create a walking belt around the Jiulong River, which is covering an area of about 2 square kilometers, integrating mass recreation, parent-child play and outdoor activities.



The second is to build the future service scenario. Enhance the overall carrying capacity of cultural Tourism traffic in Hejiachong through scientific layout. Focus on building Hejiachong red cultural and tourism commercial street, new centralized water supply project and the construction of talent service center, so that the villagers can enjoy a variety of convenient services without reach far.

Third, to build the future cultural scenario. Planning for the construction of farming research museum and museum of the technologies that boosting agriculture, newly built or reconstructed Hejiachong Village History Museum, which integrates the functions of red culture propaganda and education, honorary awards exhibition, and red study and sightseeing, the Hejiachong cultural hall which brings the culture of nostalgia to the hearts of the people, and so on.



The Fourth action is to build the future industry scenario. Planning to construct the Hejiachong honeysuckle planting base (300 acres), which aims to integrating planting, sightseeing, processing, packaging and sales. Tiepu tofu training base and rural e-commerce training base is also on the plan, in order to enhance the capacity of processing and sales of agricultural products. Continue to upgrade the " original aspiration Road" red tourism corridor, etc., and improve tourism facilities. In cooperation with the Hejiachong “Red” Road Education Consulting Limited Liability Company, implemented the Hejiachong “red and green” fusion study program, and the deep integration of patriotism tourism.



Fifth, to create future health scenario. The new Hejiachong Red Army Hospital and other facilities are plan to be built to enhance health-related facilities and upgrade the level of medical care. A plan is making to integrate villagers' electronic health records, remote 5G medical services, Chinese medicine museums, "village care (mental health care) house" and other intelligent health elements, to strengthen the construction of a 20-minute medical circle in both town and village level. Implementation of ageing renovation for elderly households in difficulty is also in planning, as well as expanding the coverage of home-based elderly service centers, and creating a 15-minute elderly care circle.

Sixth, to create the future stylish scenario. We will Continuously improve the human habitat environment, initiate the renovation program of the residential houses in southern Henan Province and the protection of historical and cultural villages, also with the revitalization of the folk culture, residential culture and red culture. Promote the "landing" action of power supply, communication, cable TV lines and so on. Planning to implement "micro-remodeling" for rustic landscape. Uniformly design and complete the name signs and other signs of service facilities.



Seventh, to create a low-carbon scenario for the future. We will continue to protect the blue sky, blue water and clean soil, and fully popularize the classification of domestic garbage and centralized life garbage transfer and disposal. We plan to implement energy-saving and emission reduction projects and upgraded domestic sewage treatment facilities, also plan to realize centralized treatment of domestic sewage in the entire region, with natural gas, solar energy and photovoltaic to the home, so that the electrification and cleanliness level of production and life in the countryside can be raised.

Eighth action is to build a future smart scenario. The mini program of The Red Hejiachong  A Smart Journey to the Red is accelerating to meet the launch stage. It contains six functions of "food, accommodation, transportation, tourism, shopping and entertainment", basically realize travelling Hejiachong with one smart phone. In order to conducting scientific and innovation, social service and talent cultivation, we plan to cooperate with Henan Agricultural University to build a small park for science and technology. At the same time, the plan also focuses on the establishment of Hejiachong digital service system, including crowd control, intelligent guide parking, video cloud monitoring, alarm facility system four modules, intelligently monitoring and controlling the fire, flash floods, emergency call, traffic jam and other situations. Accelerating the application development of the digital government platform to promote "government services in your nearby".

The Ninth move is to build a scenario of future governance. The guidelines suggest that we should help establish the Digital Party Service Center for the Party branch in the village, and establish smart management grid, realize party member online evaluation, evaluation and scoring by grid member, etc. Set up the village sage council, so that the village sage can take part in the rural governance under the leadership of the CPC.