The first International Conference on Sustainable Development was held in Cairo, Egypt at 13:00 on 15 December, 2018(Cairo Time). During the event, the Evaluation Criteria, Management System and Implementation Pathways for Sustainable Cities and Communities/ SUC Guidelines, the first international standards from the United Nations for implementing the SDG11, was grandly released. More than 400 guests from relevant UN agencies and more than 20 countries attended the meeting. The former UN Under-Secretary-General Sha Zukang announced the official release of f SUC Guidelines.

The UN SUC Guidelines was developed mainly by UNEP with the UN-Habitat, the UN Office for Sustainable Development,, international organizations, research institutes and relevant Chinese departments participating in the preparation. It aims to provide clear guidance for developing countries in building sustainable cities and communities so as to realize the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, especially SDG11. The Guidelines has set clear goals, key performance indicators, specific implementation pathways and international assessment criteria with best practice from various countries for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in cities and communities across the world. Jointly prepared by the SUC Programme Management Center, SUC Guidelines was completed after four years of preparation. It was formally listed as an official UN publication in December 2018 and is being promoted globally by GAPSCC in 2019.

Organized by the China Sustainable Urban and Community Institute, the event was jointly supported by the UN-Habitat, the League of Arab States, the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R.C and the International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange. Many senior officials and experts from the UN-Habitat, the UN Environment, UN Development Programme, the UN Office for Sustainable Development, the UN Center for Regional Development and the Chinese Embassy to Egypt attended the release conference and delivered speeches.

Opening Speech by Guda Hanem, Chairman of the First International Conference on Sustainable Development 

Speech by Sha Zukang, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Honorary President of SUC Programme 

Speech by Abdul Aziz, Secretary General of the Conference Organizing Committee 

Introduction of SUC Guidelines by Li Xiang, Executive Director of SUC Programme, Head of the SUC Programme Management Center and Reviewer of SUC Guidelines 

Speech by Arab Hoballah, former Chief of UNEP and President of SUC Programme Management Committee 

Speech by Joanne Aleigen, Senior Official of the UN Office for Sustainable Development and Reviewer of SUC Guidelines 

Detailed Introduction of the overall structure, standard system and application of SUC Guidelines by Robert Earley, Reviewer of SUC Guidelines 

Seven Primary Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Cities

1. Safe and Affordable Cities

2. Transportation and Accessibility

3. Cultural and Natural Heritage

4. Land Use Efficiency

5. City Disaster Resilience

6. Healthy Environment

7. Safe and Sustainable Green Open Spaces

8. Resource Efficiency

9. City Management and Policy

Seven Primary Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Communities

1. Sustainable Buildings

2. Inclusive Community Facilities and Service

3. Liveable Community Landscapes

4. Economic Productivity

5. Safety

6. Proud and Educated Community

7. Community Management